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Corporate Bonds Water Credit Risk Tool
This tool for financial institutions to incorporate water risk in corporate bond credit risk analysis allows users to integrate water stress into company credit analysis. Developed through a partnership between the Natural Capital Declaration (NCD), the D
Are Banks prepared for Climate Change?
In October 2015, Boston Common Asset Management issued its latest impact report: Are Banks prepared for Climate Change? SynTao Green Finance provided support in Chinese banks' data collection as well as research on local regulatory context on green bankin
Establishing China's Green Financial System
Dr. Guo Peiyuan, General Manager of SynTao, participated in the research and preparation of "ESTABLISHING CHINA'S GREEN FINANCIAL SYSTEM" as a member of the Green Finance Working Group of the People's Bank of China. As a member of the Green Finance Commit
Transparency Matters: Disclosure of payments to governments by Chinese extractive companies
Transparency Matters: Disclosure of payments to governments by Chinese extractive companies presents a rigorous assessment of the tax payments made by Shanghai-listed extractive companies to governments in resource-rich countries in 2010 and 2011. It find
Revealing China's ESG Issues 2011
This report presents a discussion of China‟s major corporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks for 2010-2011, based on the findings of the SynTao local news monitoring system. For investors, the ESG performance of companies has become a
Sustainability Reporting Guidelines: Mapping & Gap Analyses for Shanghai Stock Exchange
This study program was carried out by the joint efforts of SynTao, International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE). By studying the guidelines used in the best CSR reports at home and abroad, the study is to provide references f