SynTao Green Finance STαR ESG Data Flatform is a platform for presenting SynTao Green Finance ESG ratings, covering ESG rating results and ESG rating data of A-shares, Hong Kong Stocks, Chinese Depository Receipts (CDRs) and bond issuers. It is based entirely on SynTao Green Finance's self-developed ESG rating system and methodology.
SynTao Green Finance STαR ESG Data Flatform provides financial institutions with detailed ESG rating results, ESG indicator data and detailed ESG data point information for individual stocks and portfolios. These data can help global financial institutions to better understand the sustainability level of target companies, including the level of ESG management performance and ESG risk exposure, and help investment institutions to integrate ESG factors into the various processes of investment management.

SynTao Green Finance STαR ESG Data Flatform provides financial institutions with detailed ESG rating results, ESG indicator data and detailed ESG data point information for individual stocks and portfolios. These data can help global financial institutions to better understand the sustainability level of target companies, including the level of ESG management performance and ESG risk exposure, and help investment institutions to integrate ESG factors into the various processes of investment management.

- ESG ratings cover all A-shares, Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect, major CDRs and major bond issuers
- 14 key issues, 200+ indicators, 700+ data points to comprehensively assess the ESG performance of target companies
- Seven years of historical rating data, ten years of historical data points, and over 1,000,000 ESG indicator assessment records
- Comparative analysis of ESG ratings of individual stocks and industries
- Supports portfolio import, one-click portfolio ESG rating generation