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Establishing China's Green Financial System

Establishing China's Green Financial System

Upload time:2021 - Nov
  • PBOC, UNEP Inquiry, 2015. Establishing China’s Green Financial SystemDownload

In 2014, the Research Bureau of the People's Bank of China (PBOC) and the Sustainable Finance Program of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) jointly initiated the Working Group on Green Finance.In April 2015, the Green Finance Committee of the Chinese Society of Finance (the "Green Finance Committee") was established, with the responsibility of conducting research on green finance, promoting the innovation of green investment and financing products and services, and popularizing the concept of green finance. finance concepts.

Dr. Guo Peiyuan, General Manager of SynTao, participated in the research and preparation of "ESTABLISHING CHINA'S GREEN FINANCIAL SYSTEM" as a member of the Green Finance Working Group of the People's Bank of China. As a member of the Green Finance Committee, Dr. Guo Peiyuan is mainly involved in the research of environmental information disclosure policies and regulations.